
Sunday 4 November 2012

Health & Fitness: Cellucor Super HD and T7

Stacking Cellucor Super HD and T7 Extreme

So, I have recently started going hard with the fitness buzz - gym almost everyday, and [trying] to eat healthier.

A friend of mine referred me to the above Cellucor products, explaining they are a godsend to anyone who wants to be a machine at the gym and it aids in dropping the clicks. Of course, by recommendation, I went out and bought them.

Why don't I start by filling you in on how Cellucor explains each.

Super HD is described by Cellucor as a 'High Definition Fat Targeting and Sculpting Agent'. 'Super HD combines powerful fat-burning ingredients and potent nootropic compounds to deliver a powerful energy, focus, and 'feel-good' weight loss product'.

...whatever that all means. Below are the supp facts...

Supplement Facts

T7 Extreme is described as 'Fat Loss - Metabolism Support - Mood Enhancement', and 'promotes fat burning and weight loss without the stimulants'.
Supp facts below:

So in short, Super HD is a stimulant with A LOT of caffeine in it. T7 Extreme is not a stimulant but promotes an increase in metabolism with the White Willow Bark extract. This also means they are AMAZING stacked together.

And hey! What do you know - they aren't just placebo's in futuristic bottles! They actually work, and has actually given the Super HD awards for being the best fat burning supplement for 2012.

I feel a lot more energy when I am using this product, especially at the gym, where I can run faster for longer, and lift heavier with more reps. And you sweat like crazy when you work out (thats an understatement). The muscle is really starting to show, and I am losing the pudge, and I am only 2 weeks in. These two supplements are my holy grail for fitness at the moment.

So, how do I take them?
I take two of the Super HD as soon as I get out of bed (on an empty stomach) and about an hour later I take two of the T7 (on a full stomach). About 5-6 hours later, I will take another 1 Super HD, and an hour after that I will take another 1 T7.

You MUST make sure you take this product correctly and follow the direction's on the bottle. Also, drink A LOT of water with it. If you are caffeine sensitive, I would stay away from Super HD and stick with the T7, it is awesome in itself anyway. These are also appetite suppressants, so make sure you are still eating meals throughout the day.

I will keep you all updated through my progress :)

 - Karene x

1 comment:

  1. Hi..

    Was interested in starting Cellucor Super HD.. Wanted to know your thoughts..

    By now you must have finished the 60 capsules?
